Community „Family XT”

Things that God has prepared
In dependence on the Holy Spirit, do the things that our heavenly Father has prepared for us ...

For us, this means that God creates situations in our environment and brings us together with people for whom we can be a gift from God. Jesus mentions a few such situations. They should be an inspiration for how our faith can express itself in active love:

Visiting services
  • Visiting the sick
  • Visiting prisoners
  • Visit lonely
  • Strengthen "tired hands"

Social services
  • Give clothes
  • Feeding the hungry
  • Give drink to the thirsty
  • Taking in refugees / strangers
  • Invite the needy to a meal

Prayer services

Other practical and good opportunities to get involved are offered by existing services that are already established in our city. For example ...

Meetings and projects

Simply contact us if you are interested in one of the following meetings or projects(Contact us).

Community meeting "Family XT"

We usually meet in living rooms and take time for ...

  • personal exchange and prayer for each other.
  • Praise and worship.
  • Study and application of biblical statements.
  • Joint actions.

Dates and address under "current".

Partnership Sierra Leone

We have entered into a partnership with the Vineyards in Sierra Leone, through which we support communities and projects in Sierra Leone.

Sierra Leone - Friends help friends
A community of disciples who experience God love one another and partner with Christ to heal the world.
Our vision and mission

As Vineyard Sierra Leone, we want to make Jesus and his kingdom visible and accessible to people. We see ourselves as a community of followers of Jesus who experience God, love one another and, as partners of Jesus, bring salvation and healing to their surroundings.

Our mission is to establish Vineyard Churches that establish churches themselves. Each Vineyard Church does not live for itself, but seeks the welfare of the people in its environment. As an important step, we aim to establish a church in each of the 12 districts of Sierra Leone. These district Vineyards will then establish churches in their own communities.

Details of the partnership with the Vineyards in Sierra Leone

→ Detailed description of the partnership

→ Travel report 2023

→ Travel report 2022

If you would like to support this partnership, there are three simple ways to do so:

Invest in the education of young people

If you want to support young people in their education, just take a look at the LernLift app. Your money arrives directly and you can easily get in touch with the person in question via this app→ LernLift website

General financial support for the partnership

You can do this via the following account:

Bank: Volksbank Ulm-Biberach
Recipient: Vineyard Biberach e.V.
IBAN: DE48 6309 0100 0640 9010 26
Purpose: Donation for mission partnership Sierra Leone.

Personal participation

If you are interested in getting involved personally, simply get in touch with us by phone or email.Contact.


(We hold these meetings on request, if required)

What is Alpha?

Alpha is a series of meetings where the Christian faith, life and the question of meaning can be explored in a relaxed atmosphere. At each meeting, questions about life and the Christian faith are addressed. The thematic impulses are designed in such a way that exciting discussions can arise afterwards.

Alpha takes place all over the world and is organized in cafés, churches, universities, prisons, youth clubs, at home - wherever there are people. Everyone is welcome!

The following three elements always belong to Alpha:

  1. Every meeting begins with a joint meal.Essen-imageThe best way to get started and get to know each other.

  2. The impulses on the topics are the starting point for exciting discussions Each impulse is approx. 20 to 30 minutes long and is either held as a live lectureThema-imageor played as a video clip. The impulses during the 11 weeks at Alpha deal with the big questions of life and the Christian faith. Topics include, for example: Does life have more to offer? Who is Jesus? How can I believe? How does God lead me?

  3. Small groups are probably the most important part of Alpha. This is the place to share your own thoughts and questions on the topic in a small group.Gespraech-imageto discuss and exchange opinions. No one is forced to say anything and there is (really!) nothing you can't say or ask! It's an opportunity to hear opinions from others and share your own perspective. It's an honest, friendly and open atmosphere where you can be together.
Alpha Stories ...
I thought that there might be some kind of God, but I had no idea about him."

— Janina

Click here for Janina's story ...

"EVERYONE GETS TO PLAY" - We believe that everyone can do the work of the Kingdom of God. We don't rely on elite or superstar leaders - we are all commissioned - men, women and children, from all backgrounds.

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